About Alex
Alex Roberts is a graphic designer and visual artist living in Perth, Ontario, Canada.
He started young, drawing on every surface he could with pens, pencils and crayons. In high school he was introduced to Adobe Photoshop, and began mixing analogue and digital techniques together.
Following high school he studied Visual & Digital Art at Humber College in Toronto. He then went on to expand his skillset through Graphic Design at St. Lawrence College in Kingston, further experimenting with traditional and digital art as well as new design techniques and applications.
While on a work-study placement with Station X in Vancouver, Alex had the opportunity to design and submit and original out-of-home marketing campaign for Mercedes-Benz. The campaign For Days Like These took home first place in the Vancouver advertising market and ran on Astral digital billboards around the city during the summer of 2013.
Today, Alex is the owner/operator and designer for Elite Engraving & Embroidery, a family business focusing on personalized apparel for individual, commercial, sporting & industrial clients, as well as custom laser and diamond engraving services. He uses his skills and talents as a graphic designer to help people realize their ideas and market their products.
Elite Engraving & Embroidery
Instagram | @alexrobertsdsgn
Pinterest | alexrobertsdsgn